Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Become an Advocate for Gay Adoption in Connecticut


Do you believe that adopting a baby and raising a child is every person’s right, irrespective of his or her sexuality? Gay adoption has the potential to reduce the number of kids in foster home waiting to be adopted. In the United States, nearly every state’s judiciary permits legal gay adoption. Only a few don't. However, gay couples do face a few problems before they can successfully adopt a baby. Follow these steps to becoming an advocate for gay adoption in Connecticut.


Difficulty: Moderate



Step One

Consult a lawyer or search through legal Web sites. They can provide information about the rules for gay adoption in Connecticut.

Step Two

Spread the awareness of the rule that gay adoption as well as joint adoption is permitted in Connecticut. The government also allows second-parent adoption.

Step Three

Visit the official Web site of the State of Connecticut for detailed law information (see Resources below).

Step Four

Contact local government bodies, NGO's and youth organizations to join you for this noble cause.

Step Five

Visit libraries, schools, universities and community gatherings where you can address a large number of people and spread awareness about gay adoption.

Step Six

Conduct seminars for gay couples to let them know about the legal situation in the state.

Step Seven

Encourage them to go for it. Educate the gay couples interested in adoption. Make them aware of the various licensing requirements.

Step Eight

Try to curb their fears and doubts about judicial rules and regulations.

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