Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Pay Child Support On Time


Paying child support in a timely manner is very important to your child's well-being. The primary caregiver for that child needs money for clothes, groceries, doctor bills, and the many other little things that can add up when caring for a child. Follow these steps and learn how to pay your child support on time.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy



Step One

Choose if you want to pay once a month, biweekly or weekly. If it's easier for you to pay once a month, pick a day and stick to it. Treat it like any other bill and don't pay it late. If you would rather pay every time you get paid, whether it be weekly or biweekly, make sure you let the custodial parent or caregiver know your pay schedule.

Step Two

Make your child support payment the first check you write. Don't think about what other bills you have to pay or how many groceries you need to buy. Your child needs that money, and helping to feed and clothe that child is your first priority.

Step Three

Think of your child, not the money. Sometimes it's hard to remember what you are paying for when you never see how it is spent. Just remember that you would be spending the same amount of money if you and the custodial parent were still together. Your county runs child support guidelines based on the lifestyle to which the child was accustomed.

Step Four

Give your child support case manager information about your employer or bank so that payments can be deducted directly from your paycheck or bank account. This way you won't need to worry about writing checks or cashing money orders. This will also quicken the payment process. Be sure to inform the other party when to expect the child support payments.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you feel your child support amount is unfair and more than you can honestly afford, request a modification. They will run your guidelines again and determine how much a fair amount would be. You can run guidelines yourself by checking out the All Law website. (See Resources, below.)
  • Some states are required to deduct directly from your employer or bank account. Be sure you provide your case manager with complete and accurate information. Call your case manager immediately if you change jobs or banks so he or she can send your new employer or bank the child support withholding notice.

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